Paraver: configurations

Table 16, Table 17 and Table 18 provide information about the different pre-build configurations that are distributed with COMPSs and that can be found under the /opt/COMPSs/Dependencies/ paraver/cfgs/ folder. The cfgs folder contains all the basic views, the python folder contains the configurations for Python events, and finally the comm folder contains the configurations related to communications.

Table 16 General paraver configurations for COMPSs Applications
Configuration File Name Description
2dp_runtime_state.cfg 2D plot of runtime state
2dp_tasks.cfg 2D plot of tasks duration
3dh_duration_runtime.cfg 3D Histogram of runtime execution
3dh_duration_tasks.cfg 3D Histogram of tasks duration
Interval_between_runtime.cfg Interval between runtime events
compss_runtime.cfg Shows COMPSs Runtime events (master and workers)
compss_runtime_master.cfg Shows COMPSs Runtime master events
compss_storage.cfg Shows COMPSs persistent storage events
compss_tasks.cfg Shows tasks execution
compss_tasks_and_runtime.cfg Shows COMPSs Runtime events (master and workers) and tasks execution
compss_tasks_numbers.cfg Shows tasks execution by task id
compss_waiting_tasks.cfg Shows waiting tasks
nb_executing_tasks.cfg Number of executing tasks
nb_requested_cpus.cfg Number of requested CPUs
nb_requested_disk_bw.cfg Number of requested disk bandwidth
nb_requested_gpus.cfg Number of requested GPUs
nb_executing_mem.cfg Number of executing memory
task_duration.cfg Shows tasks duration
thread_cpu.cfg Shows the initial executing CPU
time_betw_tasks.cfg Shows the time between tasks
user_events.cfg Shows the user events (type 9000000)
Table 17 Available paraver configurations for Python events of COMPSs Applications
Configuration File Name Description
3dh_events_inside_task.cfg 3D Histogram of python events
events_inside_tasks.cfg Events showing python information such as user function execution time, modules imports, or serializations
Time_between_events_inside_tasks.cfg Shows the time between events inside tasks
nb_user_code_executing.cfg Number of user code executing
Table 18 Available paraver configurations for COMPSs Applications
Configuration File Name Description
sr_bandwith.cfg Send/Receive bandwith view for each node
send_bandwith.cfg Send bandwith view for each node
receive_bandwith.cfg Receive bandwith view for each node
process_bandwith.cfg Send/Receive bandwith table for each node
compss_tasks_scheduling_transfers.cfg Task’s transfers requests for scheduling (gradient of tasks ID)
compss_tasksID_transfers.cfg Task’s transfers request for each task (task with its IDs are also shown)
compss_data_transfers.cfg Shows data transfers for each task’s parameter
communication_matrix.cfg Table view of communications between each node